Song: College Essay Final Draft
Artist:  MariamP
Year: 2013
Viewed: 16 - Published at: 9 years ago

I am a 17 year old Berkmar High School student and have lived in Georgia my whole life. It was a struggle coming to the United States for my parents because they didn't have anything. My parents have always told to do my best in school and to do something with my life. I get most of my inspiration and learn from my older sister Julyana.

Most of my friends will describe me as weird, smart looking, and funny. I can come up with random things to talk about but eventually I can run out of ideas. Ever since I was little, I remember being so happy until High school came along. I had to start thinking about colleges, thinking about what I want to do in life, and there is more work.

My dad has been telling me for the past two years to go to college and to not waste my intelligence. He and my mom didn't get the chance to study because their parents couldn't afford to send them to school. So I am looking for scholarships to apply for and do my best to continue school. I still don’t know what college to go to or what to do, but I know I will figure it out soon. I have thought about becoming an Architect or doing ultrasounds. I just want to do something I enjoy because if I don’t enjoy what I do then what was the point of me wasting my time.

My Parents came to the United States about 20 years ago. All they had was each other and my older sister coming on the way. They rented a small apartment and my sister was born weeks later. But my parents couldn't really afford much and often had nothing to eat. So they would give the little that they had to my sister so she could be happy. A year later my parents gave birth to my second oldest sister. My dad had started working and earned more money, so my parents decided to move to some other apartments and 2 years later I was born.

I can still remember living in the apartments. There would be these huge storms passing by and the lights would go out. Our family and two other guys would gather inside the small kitchen with a lit candle so we could see. All you could hear was the loud thunder storm passing by. I looked at my mom and noticed her smiling at me as if everything was going to be okay.

Like i said before, my older sister Julyana, has been my inspiration to work hard in school. I have been raising my grades and trying to get straight A's because of her. My sister has been telling me every single day to go to college and not sit around at home like her. She graduated in the year 2012 from Berkmar High. She plans on going to college when she finds a job and has enough money to be paying for her education. This is why she has been encouraging me to apply for scholarships and not wait till the last moment to do it.

In the end, I have been learning to value what I have and what I can do. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to school and the ones that can don't take advantage of it. I know I'm going to make it far if I just try a bit harder.

( MariamP )