Song: G.O.O.D old times
Year: 2013
Viewed: 54 - Published at: 7 years ago

Reminiscing good oLd times saying "remember when"
Confidin' in gooD oLd music to briNg us intO the gOod oLd viBe we had back then
CuRfew used to be at leaSt haLf past tEn
Now oUr gooD oLd times is when we beiNg chaSed by coPs
SkiPping red roBoTs
Cause we high as fuck
DrunK as fuck
Staying out late as fuck

All the cLubs is oUr secoNd home
We don't likE the pubLiC but we loVe thiS
Its our zone!
ConSequenCes is sitting up with regreT
Saying I wisH we prayEd beFore we leFt the hoUse WitHouT reSpect
Wonder how its gon' be when I tell my own kids the stoRies 'bout the oLd me

All this dope in my poCket
My niggas ready to poP this
BuyinG weEd in the strEet like a decent indecency
GettinG loVe froM the feeling cause I ain't feeling me!
I mean no disreSpect
But that money yal owe me? time for me to colleCt
Pastors preaching bout Jesus this Jesus that
And all I'm hearing is yaP yaP
Now This ain't the besT that I wrOte
But itS the best I caN do afTer I smoKed
Scoring poinTs on how good I roll my jOinTs
All my older niGgas done with school, lucKy bastaRds
And I'm still here wriTinG shiT 'bout my life and what I desPise
GueSs I jusT wish I couLd go back to the gOod oLd times, one MorE time

On the reaL I've reaLized that this real we live ain't real enouGh
My niggas this is realitY
Gotta sTep outa our fantasy
But I'm Feeling craZy as hell
Doing shit that can have me held in a cell in a minute, this high that I'm feeling is infinite
Hearing sireNs, does that ring a bell?
Well, Can't live without breaking rules
Wait till our shit be all over the news
Reported by a bunCh of fools
These bitches ain't got their own "do's"
Still ouR gOod oLd timeS frOm waY bacK theN is ouR perFeCt "reMeMber wheN"

( Ra'eesahAdams )