Song: Glitcher with Lyrics RecD
Year: 2021
Viewed: 64 - Published at: 8 years ago


Good luck! I can feel it taking over!

Yes! Our virus pierced the system!
From here oughta be smooth sailing!
Start copyin’ everything you can
Before his drives start failing


Get off of that lovely robot!
I’m gonna reset his power!
How could you destroy someone like this
Before their finest hour?


Whoa! There’s someone else micspamming?
We can’t stop his counterattack!
Listen punk, we got here first
So, find another’ bot to hijack

I’m not hеre to steal his body!
That’s a person you’rе abusing!
No one raps as fast as me
So, give it up right now, you’re losing!


We’re on borrowed time, make a memory dump!


You won’t get a byte out of his hard drive!


We’ll get what we need, just hit a bump!


Cut it out, it hurts him, he’s alive!


Got his data logs to load up!

Keep your mitts off of his files!


Ooh, interesting… Look right here what showed up…


How dare you read that!

(Hex and, BF)

Bring back his smile!


Oh gosh, thank you, Hex is back now!
All my gratitude is showing!
Hurry, lest her folks attack now
You’d better get going!


Think I’m falling for that old trick?
You must be impersonating!
And you read our chats? Wow, that's sick!
You’re infuriating!

No, it’s your buddy Hex right here!
Better stop before you overload me!


Said, give it up, It’s real clear
That you’re pretending
Cmon, you just showed me!


You just threw away your shot to walk out, your loss!


Not leavin’ here til my buddy’s free at all costs!


We’ll just have to crush you first
We know that we can overload you!


C’mon cowards, do your worst
There’s so many tuff fights I’ve lived through!


Just act like normal, we’ll spare you, you help us!


Don’t try to get formal, You’ll never have my trust!


We were gonna nuke this pile
But if he has his own TV show

(Hex and, BF)

We could let him live awhile
You would let him live awhile

Interview, and gather info!
Interview, and gather info!


If you really wanna save him
Probably won’t touch a byte
If you get him that TV Program
You’re broadcasting at night!


That’s his show! you freaks can’t have it!
Told you, no negotiations!
Hex is purer than a rabbit!
Get your own damn station!


No deal, then?
Gonna make this thing
Overclock way past the point of breaking!


Not if I force-restart him!
It all comes down to this, my heart is aching!


System Warning: Hard Drive Overheating
Motherboard is critically dying
Random access memory depleting
Virus overload, multiplying


You may think this is enough to shake me!
And if not, you’ll leave him broke and worthless!
But there’s nothing you can pull to make me
Keep him from his bliss!


Drat, I thought that code would do it!
Seems this hack might be a blowout!
Wait, a hidden file! Review it!
Copy it! Before he goes out!

Knew you couldn’t overpower me!
Better run before he comes back!
I’ll tell him to print your IP
Track you down, and counterattack!


This thing found the bomb we’ve been huntin’ down…


What? You’re after Whitty? You want his sound?


You don’t need to know why we need him!


Drop the robot, give it up, leave him!


You can have him, this is better…


We just took you down together!


Thanks for your help, this’ll be a big blast!


Go funk yourself, This hack best be your last!


Goodbye for now, foolish counter-hacker
This has been very…

( RecD, YingYang48 )