Song: Happily Ever After
Year: 1959
Viewed: 24 - Published at: 2 years ago

[WINNIFRED, spoken]
And so young Prince Waldere, after having slain the dragon Fafner, rescued the Princess Frigga, and together they mounted his horse Trigga, and rode off to the castle Voonderbar, where they were married and lived happily ever after. Well I'm glad. 
They all lived happily, happily, happily ever after
The couple is happily leaving the chapel eternally tiеd
As the curtain descends, thеre is nothing but loving and laughter
When the fairy tale ends, the heroine's always a bride

Ella, the girl of the Cinders
Did the wash and the walls and the winders
But she landed a prince who was brawny and blue-eyed and blond
Still I honestly doubt that
She could ever have done it without that
Crazy lady with the wand--
Cinderella had outside help!
I have no one but me
Fairy Godmother, Godmother, Godmother!
Where can you be?
I haven't got a Fairy Godmother. I haven't even got a godmother. I have a mother...a plain ordinary woman...
Snow White was so pretty, they tell us
That the Queen was insulted and jealous
When the mirror declared that Snow White was the fairest of all
She was dumped on the border
But was saved by some men who adored 'er--
Oh I grant you--they were small
But there were seven of them. Practically a regiment!
I'm alone in the night
By myself. Not a dwarf, not an elf, not a goblin in sight
That girl had seven determined little men working day and night just for her--Oh sure, the Queen gave her a poison apple, even so...

She lived happily, happily, happily ever after
A magical kiss counteracted the apple eventually
Though I know I'm not clever, I'll do what they tell me I hafta!
I want some happily ever after to happen to me

Rapunzel had platinum tresses
That were double the length of her dresses
She was kept in a tower for years by a wicked old witch
'Til one night in despair, down
She scrambled by letting her hair down--
That's what I call quite a switch!
I wonder...No, it'll never hold--
I'll be finished before I begin
And besides I don't want to get out--
I want to get in!

I want to live happily, happily, happily ever after
I want to walk happily out of a chapel eternally tied
For I know that I'll never live happily ever after
'Til after I'm a bride
Then I'll be happily happy!
Yes, happily happy!
And thoroughly satisfied!

( Carol Burnett )