Whatever you have to say
Whenever you have to say it
No matter the merit of the shit
You have the right to spray it
All over the common space
All over the human race
No matter the efforts to erase
The blight upon our faces
We only moderate the worst
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
Nothing good can come
From a flick of the finger
Whatever you have to say
Whenever you have to say it
It doesn't matter how racist or stupid it is
You made it
All over the Twittersphere
On Facebook, you look, it's there
They're coming, it's comedy
Except for those they want to erase
We only moderate the worst
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
Nothing good can come
From a flick of the finger
Whenever you have to say it
No matter the merit of the shit
You have the right to spray it
All over the common space
All over the human race
No matter the efforts to erase
The blight upon our faces
We only moderate the worst
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
Nothing good can come
From a flick of the finger
Whatever you have to say
Whenever you have to say it
It doesn't matter how racist or stupid it is
You made it
All over the Twittersphere
On Facebook, you look, it's there
They're coming, it's comedy
Except for those they want to erase
We only moderate the worst
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
And if you have a life to live
I'd recomemmend you disable the scroll
Enable your soul
Nothing good can come
From a flick of the finger
( Anecdata )