Song: Introduction to Critical Theory for the 21st Century
Viewed: 74 - Published at: 10 years ago
Artist: Nathanology
Year: 2021Viewed: 74 - Published at: 10 years ago
The truth is a fact; a fib is a fiction;
A theory’s a clear and objective description
Of that which exists — how it is, how it isn’t
By history, or science, or some defined discipline
And so theory goes — if you hold the opinion
That truth is easily known and envisioned
But what if quote-Truth as you know it is hidden
By myths you’ve been told, that you don’t know your livin’?
— What if powers that be control how the truth’s given
And even how science and history are written?
And even the means of theorizing’s conditioned
By the interest of those in thе power position?
— In that case our theoriеs would need criticism:
And this is called Critical Theory — its mission
To sift out the shit and call out the System:
What system is it? It’s Capitalism
It started with a question, within Marxism:
Is the revolution working? — oh darn, it isn’t:
The Bolsheviks revolted, the autocrats coopted it:
But the problem’s not communists: the problem is consciousness
For all we can think is what we have known
And all we’ve ever known is that things can be owned
And to bite, scratch and claw to get your possessions —
And life is a bitch if dog-eat-dog’s your first premise
It’s get-what-you-get since the get-go, it’s endless:
The notion’s so close we don’t notice it’s presence
Every system we inscribe’s reinstated its essence
In hieroglyphs, bibles and declarations of independence
All of our relations — a human and their nation
A human and another human, a human and mother nature
Are reduced to an equation of consumeristic labor —
You get what I’m saying? You get what you pay for
My ancestors owned people, my creditors own me though —
It’s not the same thing but there’s many kinds of evil
But we don’t overthrow the powers-that-be though
‘Cause we really don’t even know how to be free — oh
And even if we did know how, would we want to be?
Don’t we want jobs and a solid economy?
People gotta eat — it’s Nathan’s Hot Dogs, or me
We’ve got it all — but it’s all ideology
The system may seem natural but it keeps you in place:
It makes it seem natural to work cheap at a pizza place
It makes it seem natural to divide the species by class and race
And makes it seem unnatural to stop and seek peace and grace
— Nothing against pizza: pizza’s delicious
But the idea that you need it is cheesy and insidious
No matter how you slice it, were defined by our interests
In a circle of supply and demand which is vicious
— And I may understand this, and say it in rap spits
And pray my supply matches what your demand is
Yet I must admit, in spite of this rap song —
Even I had to buy my Das Kapital on Amazon
— Ain’t that ironic? you called it, Alanis
You call yourself leftist? you’re probably a capitalist
Not that you don’t mean your call-outs sincerely —
This irony is acknowledged by Critical Theory
Roll your pair of dice
Make your pair of dimes
Break no paradigms —
C# F#
They tell me this is paradise
C# F#
— If I only know how to be free
So Critical Theory looks at our history
All of its books, and ambiguous victories
All of its answers, and questions them critically:
Why everyone says they want freedom but isn’t free?
And so what began in the context of economics
Became a critique of a complex of concepts
That constitute the basis of the ideological constructs
That course through our culture and complicate all of it
And it’s the the predecessor of identity politics
And of feminist call-outs of patriarchal nonsense
And critiques of white privilege and fights for racial justice
That say what’s left unsaid and just how unjust it is
And make you wake up to what’s real till you’re woke
To the wheel of control on which you’re a mere spoke:
For the system’s not broken, it breaks you — you’re broke —
And it ain’t funny, bro — your truth is a joke
But then here’s the problem: if all I’ve been told
Is a product of forces and forms of control
That inform all I do, when I’m thinking of stuff
Well then how I know who to be critical of?
Take a pair of sources of important information
Like a couple of our never-ending news organizations
Making two new contradictory yet very forceful statements —
Whose to say who of the two you should believe and who to take as spin?
You may be moved to say, Whichever’s based upon the evidence —
But if you have had the evidence, you’d only then make sense of it
Directed through the prism of whatever your perspective is
Perspective that’s affected by whatever else is said of it
— But if it’s all relative, then how is there a hell to give?
Even that it’s relative itself is kinda relative:
Whether you’re a liberal with conservative relatives
Or a rebel who would kill to live well in the hell you live
And this is relevant, since this critical questioning
Gets weaponized by your side and your enemy’s
Characterizing this 21st Century
In endless critique with increasing intensity
And so a theory that’s designed to find and call out all the liars
Now is also called upon by those designing to divide us:
It’s the tool that’s used to fight the privileged class and bank insiders
But it’s also used to justify the climate change deniers —
It’s the basis of all of the words in these raps
But also fake news and alternative facts —
Even maniacs and bigots try to speak truth to power:
Each is saying louder that their truth is ours
I don’t know what’s true — I too am a part of it —
The tool is double-edged — choose your department
I do art, I’m a dude in an apartment:
I don’t know what to do, though I try to regardless
For myths are not replaced by truths
But by other myths that get more use —
The myth uses us, it’s us who invented it:
Let’s invent some that have mutual benefit
History’s history — let’s see how it ends —
Let’s be each other’s critics and friends
Let’s tear it all down, then build something fine —
All theories aside — it’s a critical time
Roll your pair of dice
Make your pair of dimes
Break no paradigms —
C# F#
Prepare to die in paradise
C# F#
— I only knew how to be free…
A theory’s a clear and objective description
Of that which exists — how it is, how it isn’t
By history, or science, or some defined discipline
And so theory goes — if you hold the opinion
That truth is easily known and envisioned
But what if quote-Truth as you know it is hidden
By myths you’ve been told, that you don’t know your livin’?
— What if powers that be control how the truth’s given
And even how science and history are written?
And even the means of theorizing’s conditioned
By the interest of those in thе power position?
— In that case our theoriеs would need criticism:
And this is called Critical Theory — its mission
To sift out the shit and call out the System:
What system is it? It’s Capitalism
It started with a question, within Marxism:
Is the revolution working? — oh darn, it isn’t:
The Bolsheviks revolted, the autocrats coopted it:
But the problem’s not communists: the problem is consciousness
For all we can think is what we have known
And all we’ve ever known is that things can be owned
And to bite, scratch and claw to get your possessions —
And life is a bitch if dog-eat-dog’s your first premise
It’s get-what-you-get since the get-go, it’s endless:
The notion’s so close we don’t notice it’s presence
Every system we inscribe’s reinstated its essence
In hieroglyphs, bibles and declarations of independence
All of our relations — a human and their nation
A human and another human, a human and mother nature
Are reduced to an equation of consumeristic labor —
You get what I’m saying? You get what you pay for
My ancestors owned people, my creditors own me though —
It’s not the same thing but there’s many kinds of evil
But we don’t overthrow the powers-that-be though
‘Cause we really don’t even know how to be free — oh
And even if we did know how, would we want to be?
Don’t we want jobs and a solid economy?
People gotta eat — it’s Nathan’s Hot Dogs, or me
We’ve got it all — but it’s all ideology
The system may seem natural but it keeps you in place:
It makes it seem natural to work cheap at a pizza place
It makes it seem natural to divide the species by class and race
And makes it seem unnatural to stop and seek peace and grace
— Nothing against pizza: pizza’s delicious
But the idea that you need it is cheesy and insidious
No matter how you slice it, were defined by our interests
In a circle of supply and demand which is vicious
— And I may understand this, and say it in rap spits
And pray my supply matches what your demand is
Yet I must admit, in spite of this rap song —
Even I had to buy my Das Kapital on Amazon
— Ain’t that ironic? you called it, Alanis
You call yourself leftist? you’re probably a capitalist
Not that you don’t mean your call-outs sincerely —
This irony is acknowledged by Critical Theory
Roll your pair of dice
Make your pair of dimes
Break no paradigms —
C# F#
They tell me this is paradise
C# F#
— If I only know how to be free
So Critical Theory looks at our history
All of its books, and ambiguous victories
All of its answers, and questions them critically:
Why everyone says they want freedom but isn’t free?
And so what began in the context of economics
Became a critique of a complex of concepts
That constitute the basis of the ideological constructs
That course through our culture and complicate all of it
And it’s the the predecessor of identity politics
And of feminist call-outs of patriarchal nonsense
And critiques of white privilege and fights for racial justice
That say what’s left unsaid and just how unjust it is
And make you wake up to what’s real till you’re woke
To the wheel of control on which you’re a mere spoke:
For the system’s not broken, it breaks you — you’re broke —
And it ain’t funny, bro — your truth is a joke
But then here’s the problem: if all I’ve been told
Is a product of forces and forms of control
That inform all I do, when I’m thinking of stuff
Well then how I know who to be critical of?
Take a pair of sources of important information
Like a couple of our never-ending news organizations
Making two new contradictory yet very forceful statements —
Whose to say who of the two you should believe and who to take as spin?
You may be moved to say, Whichever’s based upon the evidence —
But if you have had the evidence, you’d only then make sense of it
Directed through the prism of whatever your perspective is
Perspective that’s affected by whatever else is said of it
— But if it’s all relative, then how is there a hell to give?
Even that it’s relative itself is kinda relative:
Whether you’re a liberal with conservative relatives
Or a rebel who would kill to live well in the hell you live
And this is relevant, since this critical questioning
Gets weaponized by your side and your enemy’s
Characterizing this 21st Century
In endless critique with increasing intensity
And so a theory that’s designed to find and call out all the liars
Now is also called upon by those designing to divide us:
It’s the tool that’s used to fight the privileged class and bank insiders
But it’s also used to justify the climate change deniers —
It’s the basis of all of the words in these raps
But also fake news and alternative facts —
Even maniacs and bigots try to speak truth to power:
Each is saying louder that their truth is ours
I don’t know what’s true — I too am a part of it —
The tool is double-edged — choose your department
I do art, I’m a dude in an apartment:
I don’t know what to do, though I try to regardless
For myths are not replaced by truths
But by other myths that get more use —
The myth uses us, it’s us who invented it:
Let’s invent some that have mutual benefit
History’s history — let’s see how it ends —
Let’s be each other’s critics and friends
Let’s tear it all down, then build something fine —
All theories aside — it’s a critical time
Roll your pair of dice
Make your pair of dimes
Break no paradigms —
C# F#
Prepare to die in paradise
C# F#
— I only knew how to be free…
( Nathanology )