Bugs in her face
Cheeks get blown away
I'm on the case
Short-winded hey
Once to her deligth
Fancy a pizza?
She is on the fidgets right?
She has got the jog of a swinger
The short run of a swagger
Once to her deligth
Fancy a camera?
She's a little cross eyed
Bugs in her face
Cheeks get blown away
Gracefully pale
Tangles in a tail
Once to her deligth
Carry a tune
Miminisi miminisi right
Miminisi miminisi right
Miminisi miminisi right
Cheeks get blown away
I'm on the case
Short-winded hey
Once to her deligth
Fancy a pizza?
She is on the fidgets right?
She has got the jog of a swinger
The short run of a swagger
Once to her deligth
Fancy a camera?
She's a little cross eyed
Bugs in her face
Cheeks get blown away
Gracefully pale
Tangles in a tail
Once to her deligth
Carry a tune
Miminisi miminisi right
Miminisi miminisi right
Miminisi miminisi right
( Sonetic Vet )