Born from the furnace of long lost stars
Our spirit yearns to return home
With kin, our stars align
Amongst the stellar sky we fly
Ancient wisdom, called upon
As we are drawn to roam the cosmic plains
With kin, our stars align
Amongst the stellar sky we fly
The journey effortless, as atoms ascend
Our soul - one with the star
That star in which we were forged to breathe
Our blood, our soul, our all
Gathered by our chosen spirits
We blaze our call below
With kin, our stars align
Amongst the stellar sky we fly
Our spirit yearns to return home
With kin, our stars align
Amongst the stellar sky we fly
Ancient wisdom, called upon
As we are drawn to roam the cosmic plains
With kin, our stars align
Amongst the stellar sky we fly
The journey effortless, as atoms ascend
Our soul - one with the star
That star in which we were forged to breathe
Our blood, our soul, our all
Gathered by our chosen spirits
We blaze our call below
With kin, our stars align
Amongst the stellar sky we fly
( Sylvan Awe )