ANDY: Hours of driving along fresh tarmac roads and all I can see is this consumed land. Carved for fertile gain way beyond its ecological limit. Can we truly shrink our demand? No rest for the sun, no shade from the canopy. Just shadows of debt raped into the land from years of abuse. Its continuous growth reduced by their greed
SAMANTHA: Raised to the ground, manmade wasteland, denude the forest. When there is profit to be made, everything's to be destroyed. I've a fear of human survival if this is the cost. Locked in till the end of the line, their stunted growth caused by our greed
SAMANTHA: Raised to the ground, manmade wasteland, denude the forest. When there is profit to be made, everything's to be destroyed. I've a fear of human survival if this is the cost. Locked in till the end of the line, their stunted growth caused by our greed
( Battle Of Wolf 359 )