Song: SMS $M$
Year: 2021
Viewed: 24 - Published at: a year ago

•We On, the block.. we smoking, dope..
Call it.. a.. crime.. scene..
Shootin a shot, afte shot, after shot..
Ayto, einai.. to main..  thing..

Afierwmeno.. ayto einai, super flags
Palio pousth.. kserw, pou ponas..
-Exw ena dwro.. For ya.. bitch-ass
The-ra-pei-es..  kai shit.. bags..
•Ko-nte-uei.. 3.. to ksi-me-rw-ma..
K’ o monos.. stoxos mou.. ta xrhmata..
Kserw.. ti ske-fte-se.. gia mena..
Pws.. Tha.. me fa-ne.. Ta eglhmata..

•Leipw.. gia me-res.. ap’to.. spiti..
K’ ayth.. mou le-ei.. oti ths leipw..
Ma.. Ko-kki-na.. kai ble.. fw-ta..
Mou a-ne-va-zou-ne.. to xty-po..
•Eim’ Olh.. me-ra.. s’ ena.. trap.. house..
De.. pe-ri-sey-ei.. xronos.. Bitch.. Bounce
Ko-li-me-nos.. s’ ena.. big.. plan..
Den.. eisai.. in.. love.. eisai.. big.. fan..
•Big.. Dreams.. theleis.. house..
Big.. Dick.. in your.. Big.. mouth...
Wait.. wait.. wait.. a mi-nu-te..
Vale this.. big.. dick.. in ya ass.. “ ouch “
•O pousths.. klaiei, leei.. de theleis, beef..
Alla tous, les.. go, get.. him..
Olo-klh-rh.. H.. zwh mou.. ein’.. ena.. Beef..
Bam.. bam.. dhe.. zhduk.. hekrin’..

•Pousth, milas.. gia filies.. kai fi-lous..
Kai va-zeis.. ta po-dia.. sth.. pla-th.. uh ?
Akousa.. etrexes.. lewforo.. aleksandras.. shhhh
Xontro-pousta.. eisai.. mia.. apath.. hahaha
•Poios, tous.. gamaei.. tous hit-men sou..
Im, like.. ok.. I hit.. them.. too..
Kati.. trexei.. me th myth sou..
Kryes.. meres.. pare.. cold.. n flu..

Ase ta.. news.. kai ta.. Tech.. “vlaka”
Ase ta.. flows.. kai ta.. rec.. “patata”
Ase ta show.. kai ta effect..
Otanse dw xontre.. let’s, do.. G-Check..
•Kof’to, pro-lo-go.. stamata, na tazeis..
Kaneis, de se thelei.. kaneis, de tro-ma-zei..
As, th.. pe-ri-lh-psh.. pare.. to boulo..
It is, what it is.. kaneis.. de tha, t’ a-lla-ksei
Poula tous.. k allo.. apta foumara..
Bas k anevaseis.. ta noumera.. shiiit..
Oxi se mema magkies palio pousth..
-S’ e-ksa-fa-ni-zw.. xri-..stougena..

Nai, to kse-rw.. you, keep it.. real..
Eisai.. Real.. bitch.. To real.. deal..
Parto, kai valto.. apta aytia, mes to kwlo sou..
Kai pes mou, twra.. bitch, how you feel.. ??
Exw, polla.. gia th.. gou-na sou..
Kai Tosous na skapsoun.. ta moutra sou..
Ma thelw, o idios.. na ‘rthw, ena vrady..
Kai na, sou.. si-kw-sw.. th fou-sta sou..

Kane calls.. opou.. theleis.. skyle..
Palio - pousth.. opoion theleis.. steile..
Vaze, bravous.. gia na se, fy-la-ne..
Palio pousth, ola tha.. sta fa-ne..
Elpizw, na eipes.. stous filous sou..
-Pws, exeis.. klepsei.. tous stixous sou..
Eyxaristhsou to, gia oso krathsei..
Gt tha me vreis.. apopisw sou

Ta kanei.. ola.. kre-ma-sta-ria..
Osa, h ponhrh.. alepou.. de ftanei..
Mas exei.. prhksei.. ta pa-pa-ria..
Kane apo monos sou.. voutia sto limani
De milas gia ko.. gt apla, eisai.. xe-sths..
De milas gia opla.. gia na mh, se.. e-kthe-seis..
Ase, to preaching.. edw, einai.. dromos..
De xw-ra-ne.. hrw-i-smoi, ayto einai.. nomos..

De tha se swsei.. t’ o-pa-di-ko, ki-nh-ma..
Xontre.. de gly-tw-neis.. to pidima..
De tha se swsoun.. ta fragka, apta lives..
El-pi-zw.. na pires.. to mi-n-ima..
•We On, the block.. we smoking, dope..
Call it.. a.. crime.. scene..
Shootin a shot, afte shot, after shot..
Ayto einai, to main.. thing..

Afierwmeno.. ayto einai, super flags
Palio pousth.. kserw, pou ponas..
-Exw ena dwro.. For ya.. bitch-ass
Therapeies.. kai shit.. bags..
Sneak talk.. erxome spiti sou, tik tok..
Oti agapas im gonna fuck..
Kanw th mourh sou nip tuck