Song: State of the Bride
Artist:  Paul.itiCs
Year: 2017
Viewed: 129 - Published at: 8 years ago

Her gown is pure,
Her face is well contoured,
Her smile is wide,
But her tongue doesn't spell bride.

I've seen her call wet soil, mud.
Calls building blocks, broken temples.
Like we werent made by the creator

She cast souls out more than she fetches
Baits men with prosperity, then she abandons.

I've seen the church, in her brokenness
open wounds with their tongues,
instead of healing.
The bride needs saving,
Her smile is broken,
her facade is fading.

If the Groom were to watch his Bride walk down the aisle today,
Im not so sure He' will be able to recognize her.
Under all that powder & mascara,
would he have the power to see through her mask?

Could he recite his vows with uncertainty,
or would he still love her through all her immorality?

A bride is supposed to reflect her Groom,
to be the rib of His rib,
in anticipation of them becoming one,
but how can they become one,
when they represent two different beings.

Bone of my bone,
yet your closet holds more cadavers that cemeteries holds skeletons.
Your flaunted make-up only masks the reality of your imperfections.
You value Jews over gentiles,
& use politics to box in our God,
You illuminate others' sins, to darken yours.
& resuscitate pain to suppress yours.
This Bride is broken,
wounded by self-inflicted marks,
with her veil hiding each scar.
As the truth lays in the dark.
She finds comfort in other’s misfortune.

Mirror mirror on the wall,
who's the biggest sinner of them all.
This veil of sin can only last so long.

If only,
the Church could prize men the way the devil does.
If only,
the Church could fear God the way they fear spiritual leaders.
Not contort this Gospel, into rhetorics to appease their motives.
If only,
the Church learned that religion is immiscible with culture.
If only,
the church gave more of Jesus, and less of religion.

The Gospel I know, never changes ..
It's accessible to the poor,
just as much as it is valuable to the wealthy.
lt is still good news, even when there is no good news.
The Gospel acquits sinners of their past, & saints of their future.
It's laws are not to save, but to present the need for a Savior.
The Gospel of Grace,
to grant redemption to all race.
The Gospel of Salvation,
to prevent eternal condemnation.
The Gospel of Love,
to be-loved & love in places that have not heard or seen love.

What makes the gospel GOOD News is not the theology behind it,
but the sin-ridden souls that can have been transformed by it.

The Gospel,
is for those who have fallen victims to unattainable expectations of their own will.
The Gospel isn’t just the full-grown tree,
but the seed that takes on dirt, rain, light & then bears forth fruits.

The Gospel,
should mean just as much to the bridesmaids,
as it means to the bride.
Passed to others with love, not thrown away.
The warmth of its renewal should be,
as pleasing as its very first kiss.
This Gospel.
is the perfected Glory of God manifested,
through the imperfections of His own bride.
It is,
that once withered flower,
that too can now stand.
The Gospel
is the assurance of Grace,
that abides for stained gowns,
For better,
For worse.
For as long as we all shall live.

Now's the time,
For the church to rise
Let's carry hope & let love shine.
And show this world, that mercy is alive.

( Paul.itiCs )