ANDY: The lines in the sand are being washed away by the tide. Balance is transferring as time moves along. Union busting with no thought of the worker, no land left to stand on, what's left is crumbling, sympathy diminished through lack of understanding and media reporting, unbalanced and unjust, shameless philosophy
SAMANTHA: Bargains wagered on the fault lines of forced dichotomies. Point departed and intent debased. Avert your eyes, ain't nothing to see, comrade... We sold our integrity off, my friend. The spark's burnt out into kindling for slow burning firеs that I can't see through the crowd
SAMANTHA: Bargains wagered on the fault lines of forced dichotomies. Point departed and intent debased. Avert your eyes, ain't nothing to see, comrade... We sold our integrity off, my friend. The spark's burnt out into kindling for slow burning firеs that I can't see through the crowd
( Battle Of Wolf 359 )