Song: Uranium Rap
Artist:  TheNeXTGUI
Year: 2022
Viewed: 45 - Published at: 6 years ago

[Verse 1: TheNeXTGUI]
I'm on a fucking mission
To rap hotter than nuclear fission
When I'm writing Demon Inscriptions
Perhaps still lives Xenon Visions
Was hidden like bunker Albanians
But I now speak straight to the atrium
As I'm inserting this uranium rod
Straight into your cranium
Danger can't phase me um
Move nor debase me none
Yeah, we go Conflict like that Ukrainian
Russian war invay-zhi-on
Four twenty murders now go trace the gun
What I can be is never complacent
I'm acting so very brazen
And fucking smashing these brains in

[Verse 2: Nothano]
U235 decay series
Better than all your rap theoriеs
Decay and divide
Alpha Beta Gamma collidе
Urainium 235
Thorium is next to arrive
After that is Palladium
Until in comes actinium
Thorium is there one more time
4 less neutrons in nucleii
Francium can be there too
Until radium joins with the crew
Radon fills up the orbitals
Polonium gives you the chills
Lead and bismuth too hit the scene
Thallium as well it's obscene
But Polonium's penultimate
And lead is ok for a bit
When that nucleus is too massive
The atom can't just stay passive
[Verse 3: Nothano]

You already know it's fissile
U238 plays a role in a missile
Little boy was the first one to drop
Enola Gay Superfortress on Top
They out in korea with Nodong
The deterrent threat is so strong
Emad could strike the kingdom of Judah
But indira's got smiling buddha
Israel, China, Pakistan
Plus britain and france have the bomb
Tsar bomba's the biggest one yet
But standards are not always met

[Verse 4: Nothano]

At Kyshtym hundreds did die
Like chernobyl's soviet lie
Fukushima Nagasaki
Tokaimura also surry
Mihama and Marcoule
Be careful or die a fool
Three mile island, idaho falls
And countless other close calls
Vishnu did declare in one breath
Many armed "I am become death"
When the prince's duty was done
Peace fell at the point of a gun
[Verse 5: Nothano]

So get some trains and cascades
UF6 enrichment in spades
Your yellow cake should be sweet
And it's also good to deplete
The centrifuge's rotation
Mark the start of proliferation
Atom smashing simply is fun
Nuclear winter's not halfway done

( TheNeXTGUI )