Song: Week 5 reading journal
Viewed: 44 - Published at: 5 years ago
Artist: Hyacinth cavallier
Year: 2013Viewed: 44 - Published at: 5 years ago
I read two articles. One was about the teen star Vanessa hudgens , who Was caught on the red carpet with a white substance and Tabloids claimed it to be crack cocaine but Vanessa denied, and said it was white chocolate I think its so hilarious because how ironic it is shes eating white chocolate ?? I think the normal kind to eat is the brown chocolate that’s why I think she is suspect, plus shes starting to look different in her face (skinniyer) and her eyes are starting to look dialated. : I also read another article about George Zimmerman. It says that him and his wife are divorced. They had a altercation recently and It lead to him pulling out his gun, beating up her father and smashing their ipad. The cops have officially took away his gun. I think Zimmerman is a really horrible person And should be thrown in PRISION he has really bad behavior and Attitude problems and im TIRED of people giving him excuses for it and letting him slide.
9/11 I read a additional article to the one I read yesterday about zimmerman and investigators are looking into trying to get the footage of them fighting , off his wifes ipad because she began to record the confrontation just in case it got out of hand. I think he needs to just be behind bars!!! if it was a black person they would have thrown him in jail with the quickness, im not trying to stereotype or anything its just they judge off of our backgrounds and attitudes after how all the rappers today PORTRAY US.
I read an article about a greek goddess named athena. she is the virgin goddess of reason, intelligent actvity, arts, and literature. Athena is the daughter of zeus. Athena is fierce and brave in battle but only wars to define the state and home outside enemies. Athena is the goddess of the city handicrafts and agriculture. Athena is the embodiement of wisdom, reason and purity, and she was also zeus favorite child.
9-13-13 i read an article about Couples snooping throught their significant others cellphone. the studies show that men tend to snop thru their girlfriends phone, And i really trust him we were together 24-7 anyways. but One time I was asleep and when i woke up he was snooping thru my phone. Im not sure what he saw but there was some horrible stuff o there he would get mad about, but he wasnt trippin, lol,.
9/11 I read a additional article to the one I read yesterday about zimmerman and investigators are looking into trying to get the footage of them fighting , off his wifes ipad because she began to record the confrontation just in case it got out of hand. I think he needs to just be behind bars!!! if it was a black person they would have thrown him in jail with the quickness, im not trying to stereotype or anything its just they judge off of our backgrounds and attitudes after how all the rappers today PORTRAY US.
I read an article about a greek goddess named athena. she is the virgin goddess of reason, intelligent actvity, arts, and literature. Athena is the daughter of zeus. Athena is fierce and brave in battle but only wars to define the state and home outside enemies. Athena is the goddess of the city handicrafts and agriculture. Athena is the embodiement of wisdom, reason and purity, and she was also zeus favorite child.
9-13-13 i read an article about Couples snooping throught their significant others cellphone. the studies show that men tend to snop thru their girlfriends phone, And i really trust him we were together 24-7 anyways. but One time I was asleep and when i woke up he was snooping thru my phone. Im not sure what he saw but there was some horrible stuff o there he would get mad about, but he wasnt trippin, lol,.
( Hyacinth cavallier )