Song: Week 5 reading journal
Year: 2013
Viewed: 65 - Published at: a year ago

week 5
Obama wants to act on Syria all by himself without nobody say so. None of the countries are afraid to help the Syria gov't. Thousands of refugees are leaving Syria because war, the government hates them, and there are no resources available.Its a life nobody wants to live.We the american people are tried of war more than 20 years of war.What we want is peace and tranquility in the middle east.
week 6
Obama made announcement to the U.S.A on he acts and thoughts about Syria. He wants to work with Russia on an alternative to force. Obama thinks about the civilians that have been broken by war, can't find their families. He keeps on treating Syria, but I think he is not going to attack.What happens if Assad does attack a Allie of the U.S what will the u.s do then ?
week 7
Mr. Obama did not detail the steps that the United States would demand from Syria as proof that the diplomatic efforts were more than a delaying tactic to avoid a punishing strike from cruise missiles and American bombers.
And the president did not use his speech to describe his expectations for the role of the United Nations, which has been all but Russia and China during the two-year civil war in Syria.A diplomatic is always preferred over military action.
week 8
Mexico lost against U.S 2-0 in Ohio .The first 25 minutes of play was Mexico was dominating them and the first goal was Corona he came out to early not paying attention to the ball.If i was in the that situation I would just wait and see what will happen next.The second goal was a mistake from the defender and made a goal.They will vs Panama on Oct. 11 if they lose they will be out of the world cup. What will FIFA do without Mexico out of the picture.
week 9
President Assad is coming to a peaceful solution with Russia and the U.S. He wants U.S to stop treating them with a strike. we see the United States really wants stability in our region and stops threatening, striving to attack and also ceases arms deliveries to terrorists. Which requires Syria to sign the Chemical Weapons Convention could become a lever for endless negotiations and delays, much as Saddam Hussein delayed arms control inspectors during the 1990s. It doesn’t mean that Syria will sign the documents, fulfill the obligations, so he might be lying form world if he doesn't mean it.
week 10
It has be coming more and more difficult for young Latinos to be a citizen. Although federal law prohibits employers from hiring someone residing in the country illegally, there is no law prohibiting such a person from starting a business or becoming an independent contractor.Why are they not granting a path to a citizenship. It will improve our infrastructure, education, a skilled worker environment. Congress won't pass the immigration because they are being racist.I want congress to live one day a immigrant family living less than 20000 a year.Tell me why we need this bill passed.
week 11

( Xavier padilla )