Song: Week 5 reading journals
Artist:  Efrain Gomez
Year: 2013
Viewed: 62 - Published at: 2 years ago

i read about the oddysy and they went to an island to see if there was really a giant living there and when they got there they found a cave and the giant showed up and ate 4 people and the rest were able to escape from there
i read about what is happing around the world and i learned that russia tolled Syria that they will provide them with chemical wepends if they need to go to war with us and Facing weak support for U.S. military action, President Barack Obama said that a plan suggested by Russia to have Syria hand over its chemical arsenal to international control could avert American strikes "if it's real."
today we are remembering the attack of the terrorist and it has been 12 years since that day happen and 2977 people died that day that will be in our history for ever and the first person to die in the terrorist attack was a guy named Danny Lewin he was 31 years old and he was really smart and all his friends were super smart and he was in the u.s army
today i read about what Russia said about us and they said The Russian president also annoyed some people by warning against military action without U.N. Security Council approval.
"Man who launched military action in Georgia and Chechnya without UN say-so says wars without it are illegal?" tweeted the journalist John Podhoretz.
Russia blames Georgia for starting the war between the two countries in 2008 during which Russian troops occupied two breakaway territories under Georgian control, as well as large parts of Georgia.
And Moscow regards the two wars with separatists in Chechnya as internal conflicts.
today i read about what is happening in Colorado because the the people that live there had to evacuate because Colorado is under water and the government John Hickenlooper said.The rescue undoubtedly comes as good news for the residents, who have been facing what Fire Chief J.J. Hoffman called a "very large disaster" -- flash flooding from more than half a foot of rain that washed out roads, damaged dams, flooded homes and left the city entirely cut off from the outside.
Not even National Guard helicopters

( Efrain Gomez )