Song: What Peace
Artist:  Damien Marc
Year: 2021
Viewed: 1 - Published at: 4 years ago

Verse One (BA7)
Studious recluse, Monastery hermits
Deep Rastas repose
Meditatin packin heat
It's not safe in the streets
No justice no peace
Shootin at the police
Ima field nigga
Hannibal Barca, modern day Rex Nhongo
In the jungle headed to the Congo
For a gun tango
Y'all hashtag house negus not built for battle
Y'all need to fall back before you get clapped
Or get stomped to death it's not a myth
I shot the Phoenix back down when it rose from its ashes
The Molotov cocktail fеll on my enemies
Jеsus Christ
Escort your souls to the pearly gates
Buenas noches
I keep a piece for peace
Don't push will smoke you out like Kush
Hoppin outer Deustche Mark coupe
Shots leakin you outer luck
Keep it a buck
You not a warrior at war we are
For talkin reckless
The mean mug will get you shot in the face
Know your place now that's peace
I'm civilized, but you uncivilized negus
Force my hand so what peace
Hook (Damien Marcus)
Peace yei ipapa? Peace yei ipapa? Peace yei ipapa?
(Now waakuti peace)

Verse Two (Damien Marcus)
Yo kune type inongospakwa neku porovhoka vamwe
Anongokutokonya nyangwe usina kumbo mudenha
Paanozozviona kuti atsvedza mugehena
Aakutanga kuti peace, peace yei wazvitanga wega?
Peace yei mawoko ako arimuhomwe dzangu
Uchiita mutambarakede uchidya mari yangu?
Peace yekuitasei uchifonera mukadzi wangu
Uchiita makuhwa, kundipesanisa nemhuri yangu?
Peace yekuitasei wakandigarira muchibage
Ukandirova huru work ndichibva kubhawa ndakadhakwa?
Ndakambokuudza kudhara kuti zvaunondiita handizvide
Rara apa, nhasi ndukuka kumbokudhandha nezi dzinde
Peace yei wakarova mkoma wangu rungano
Uchimupomera mhosva kuti anopikisa musangano?
Nhasi wakuti peace, ranga risiri rako zano
Wakuzadzisa chirevo chekuti mutumwa ane mbonje

( Damien Marc )