A web of conjecture
Demonic eyes
Control your mind
A thousand hacks
A journalistic plague
Purges truth
Stich, stich on
Worship celebrities like gods
A psycho-tapestry is spun
Sitch, stitch on
Click-bait and advertising sales
A psycho-tapestry in spun
A spindle of sensationalised thread
The radio waves pollute at every stage
Is this for real?
A web of conjecture
Demonic eyes
Control your mind
A thousand hacks
A journalistic plague
Purges truth
Stich, stich on
Worship celebrities like gods
A psycho-tapestry is spun
Sitch, stitch on
Click-bait and advertising sales
A psycho-tapestry in spun
A spindle of sensationalised thread
The radio waves pollute at every stage
Is this for real?
( 1919 )