Artist: Aidan Bernales
Lyrics of Artist: Aidan Bernales
Lyrics of Artist: Aidan Bernales
[Lyric] This is too much (Aidan Bernales)
[Intro] This is too much, this is too much for This is too much, this is too much for [Chorus] This is too much, this is too much, too much for me What’s a crush if not some pyramid scheme? This is too much, this is too much, too much for me Comb my hair, curl my lips, and keep a clean-shaven face Could you tell I caught a case for you, baby? This...Learn MorepopAidan Bernales[Lyric] State of the Nation (Aidan Bernales)
[Chorus 1] Everybody’s running wild and everybody’s running fast They don’t know the things I’ve seen and they don’t know that things won’t last Longer than commercial breaks or ads they see on magazines When you said you’d run away, I wanted to run away with you [Verse 1] Cool kids rocking Filas drive by streets where they film filler...Learn MorepopAidan Bernales[Lyric] Intro (Aidan Bernales)
[Intro] No, no, you don’t understand. It’s a Tuesday night, a school night. It’s 2 AM right now. And I decided I’m gonna make...I’m gonna make an album [Verse 1] Start it off right, kinda had an off night Dad told me change my ways 'cuz I’m not nice And I’m heading into the real world now Insecure about all of the wrong parts Ace of spades, but...Learn MorepopAidan Bernales[Lyric] This is Gods Land (Aidan Bernales)
[Intro] There's a light [Verse 1] There’s a light from my past that remains frozen In time, I call it hope and I watch it become fallen Fruit and then Stolen by men who claim they’re God’s hand And I’ve been told to trust them But look what trust has gotten My God’s land [Chorus] This is God’s land Or at least that’s what they told me I still...Learn MorepopAidan Bernales[Lyric] I dont like your new boyfriend (Aidan Bernales)
[Chorus 1] I simmer down in anger and send myself to hyperdrive Mercury was in retrograde when I saw your pic that night I thought you liked us unique, why’d you settle for a stereotype? I don’t like your new boyfriend and his Off-Whites [Verse 1] I’m not sure what to say cuz you’re making it hard I know you like to fight, I guess you wanted to be...Learn MorepopAidan Bernales