Artist: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics of Artist: Andrew Lloyd Webber
  1. [Lyric] Clean the Kit (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [JOHN] Soon I'm gonna be a man Be a player, not a fan 'Cos that's all I ever wanted since my life began Gonna be a soccer star Maybe drive a fancy car Build a mansion in the country for my Ma and Pa Gotta clean the kit I'm so sick of it Each day I have to go to school Have to try to keep my cool While I study for exams on how to be a fool It's no...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  2. [Lyric] Gods Own Country Protestant March (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [MOB] Stand up, lads, and fight for God's own country We'll take the battle to the enemy We are young and we are strong And we must fight an ancient wrong For the land of our fathers We'll make ourselves martyrs We're happy to die That our people may be free It is our generation That must cleanse the nation For our cause is just And we'll answer...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  3. [Lyric] Mans Man (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [QUEEN] We have waited for your sainted brother long enough Now it seems it's your turn, show you've got the stuff Stalwart, brave and unafraid Show us what you're made of Let the memory of Prince Charming fade, although that's tough Even so, my God, that boy was buff, oh Mark my word there's no one before or since Who is the equal of our sweet...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  4. [Lyric] Dont Like You (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [MARY] Don't like you Don't like you I Don't think I like You're bad You're sad And I know nicer boys [JOHN] Not bothered Not bothered I simply am not bothered You're vain A total pain And I know sweeter girls You been hanging 'round my door and watching me at school [MARY] Yes, and I was thinking you're completely uncool [JOHN] Well, I wouldn't...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  5. [Lyric] Buns N Roses (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [FLOWER SELLER] Roses, glorious roses Lovingly planted fruit of the land [MILKMAIDS] Fresh milk, creamy and frothy Straight from my dairy, squeezed by my hand [RIBBON SELLER] Ribbons, colorful ribbons Truly a rainbow, simply divine [BAKER] Hot buns, check out my hot buns True, there are not buns equal to mine [MINSTREL] Oh, quelle belle...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  6. [Lyric] The Village Square (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [ALL VILLAGERS] The royal ball on Saturday [GIRLS] I must be the one he'll choose [ALL VILLAGERS] It's a prizefight, win or lose Preparing for the big soiree [GIRLS] We've had facelifts, we've had peels [SOLO GIRL] Hope to God the blood congeals [ALL VILLAGERS] Girls are storming each boutique [GIRL] Haven't eaten in a week [GIRL,...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  7. [Lyric] King of My Heart (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [PHARAOH] Oh, I know they treat me nice Any place is paradise When I walk in the room They tell me they need me Pretending it's burning love And way, way down, I feel so bad My heart is cold and sad As silent as a tomb What can a fool Such as I do to earn their love? It's all too much They won't let me be I must escape The wonder of me I feel...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  8. [Lyric] I Know You Reprise (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [QUEEN, spoken] What is it you want? [STEPMOTHER, spoken] If your son is looking for a bride, then he's in luck For I have two very beautiful and charming daughters [QUEEN, spoken] Ah [STEPMOTHER, spoken] Ah Isn't it nice to catch up with old friends? [STEPMOTHER] What a joy to see you again Straight from the "how do you do" To in the end...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  9. [Lyric] The Beautiful Game (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [ALL] Measure your life in football seasons Feel the passion and feel the heat Football is the only reason God Almighty gave us feet GOAL Buy the ref a flipping guide dog! D'you call that a bleeding pass?! Kick it out, mate, what a ball hog Dozy wanker, shift your arse! TWO NIL You dirty bastards We'll have the last word Gonna have a go Have...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  10. [Lyric] I Know You (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [STEPMOTHER] I recognize your majesty [QUEEN] Of course you do You silly goose I am the queen, of course you knew My profile is on every Franc and every sou [STEPMOTHER] I know who you are I recognize your majesty from days gone by [QUEEN] The small chateau where I grew up? Perhaps Versailles? [STEPMOTHER] That tawdry inn, in the Pigale, I...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  11. [Lyric] Let Us Love in Peace (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [CHRISTINE] Dream about a day when we'll be Calm, serene, completely carefree Just for fun Think of one Ordinary day Ask yourself what it would feel like Dream the dream with all of your might Close your eyes Visualize Just one normal day [BOTH] Time to find out who we are Time to find our lucky star Time for all our pain to cease We'll love in...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber
  12. [Lyric] Unbreakable (Andrew Lloyd Webber)

    [CINDERELLA] How do I get through one single day here? Hiding the hurt, I will not let it show Each day's a nightmare, how can I stay here? Am I unbreakable? I just don't know How hard I wish for someone who knew me Who I'd feel safe with and take off this mask Who would accept the tender and true me Someone unshakeable, that's all I ask And my...Learn More
    popAndrew Lloyd Webber