Artist: Fyr
Lyrics of Artist: Fyr
  1. [Lyric] Transponder (Fyr)

    Indifference, a reoccurring theme We're pissing down a landfill Of dilapidated dreams It all seems distant, as if out of our control Fast-forwarding existence While we ease into our suffocating molds This was meant for you Tantalizing pipe dreams: A pastime free of charge On the run from the world And yourself all at once Caught in the narrowing...Learn More
  2. [Lyric] Facade (Fyr)

    And so, the behemoth crumbles From the sun, our sworn protector Collapse, reducing inertia As the paint once dry has started to peel We watched, we breathed the ash Like flies on the wall, the derelict sons and daughters of apatheia Letting deities dissolve And monuments shatter We scrape by, feeding off the grains But like rats, we eat All on...Learn More
  3. [Lyric] Sinnespalatset (Fyr)

    Dysfunktionens elegans Har du någonsin befunnit dig någon annanstans? Klaustrofobiskt inåtvänd En uppdämd flod av avsky, ständigt fylld till bristningsgränsen Avtrubbad bortom synd och fromhet Hemmastadd i ett liv av tomhet Snart finns bara längtan kvar Din gömda trädgård står och ruttnar bakom stängda portar Enslighetens harmoni Du visste säkert...Learn More
  4. [Lyric] Återblick (Fyr)

    Branta klippor kantar vår stig Krönet vältrar sig fåfängt i det disiga skenet Hur kan något så nära verka så främmande? Silkeslen svärta sluter sig sakta runt minnet En spjäla har lossnat i stängslet av kolsvart gjutjärn Och bildat en reva i tillvarons hägn En tillfällig tillflykt från lustgårdens lekplats Som syddes igen med metalliska...Learn More
  5. [Lyric] Reluctant Reemergence (Fyr)

    Backlit silhouettes Framed by a golden halo The tranquil groves brought back to life Maple branches join the zephyr In unison they sing As the droplets in their manes refract the evening light This is what I've come to love Oaken vaults of timeless patience Uncaring, unknowing, if I only knew how And is this not what you claim to love? You've a...Learn More
  6. [Lyric] Hyper Nation (Fyr)

    Ravenous whirlpools in the gutter Iron teeth lurking 'neath the surface Sweet pitch black December dystopia Miserably wet with what should've been snowfall Currently out of office Closed until further notice Vacant storefronts promise no warmth Everything must go, and so everyone went But I remained Aimlessly I wander Neurochemically inert Lured...Learn More
  7. [Lyric] Become Different (Fyr)

    When will I become different I'm still waiting, you know How could I become different Can't be done, I'm told Feigning composure again Awaiting the storm These ripples are miniscule, but always present Won't take much for waves to form Why does faking always pay off While attempts amount to nothing This vapid projection of self love Told by...Learn More