Artist: Jess MaQswell
Lyrics of Artist: Jess MaQswell
  1. [Lyric] Accelerated Résumé℠ (Jess MaQswell)

    I wish. But, well, goals are never impossible to achieve, as long as you've got the right plan. Well, here goes the real thing: **---MOTTOS---** 1. "Shut up" 2. "Dude. I'm fourteen. Do you expect me to be a genius?" 3. "Really, just because your RG username is Katniss doesn't mean you ARE Katniss!" 4. (Sarcastically) "ON THE BRIGHT SIDE..." 5....Learn More
    miscJess MaQswell
  2. [Lyric] The Freaking 125 List Of Reasons I Love Lionel Messi (Jess MaQswell)

    Here's my list: 1. FS - One of the best footballers ever 2. FIP - Verrrrry selfless and considerate 3. FR - His name... 4. FS - His playing style is not what we call consistent, but he can pull things out of mid-air as easily as walking. 5. OS - His dribbling and running style makes it look so easy! 6. OS - Watching him dribble, assist, score...Learn More
    miscJess MaQswell