Artist: Pope Francis
Lyrics of Artist: Pope Francis
  1. [Lyric] Annuntio Vobis Gaudium Magnum (Pope Francis)

    [Intro: Choir Compagnio Aquero and Choir XI ZI] Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram Aedificabo ecclesiam meam [Verse 1: Pope Francis] Fratelli e sorelle, buona sera! Voi sapete che il dovere del Conclave Era di dare un vescovo a Roma Sembra che i miei fratelli Cardinali Siano andati a prenderlo Quasi alla fine del mondo. Ma siamo qui… vi ringrazio...Learn More
    miscPope Francis
  2. [Lyric] Annuntio Vobis Gaudium Magnum English Translation (Pope Francis)

    [Intro: Choir Compagnio Aquero and Choir XI ZI] You are Petrus, and above this rock I will build my church [Verse 1: Pope Francis] Brothers and sisters, good evening! You know that it was the duty of the Conclave to give Rome a Bishop. It seems that my brother Cardinals have gone to the ends of the earth to get one... but here we are... I thank...Learn More
    miscPope Francis
  3. [Lyric] Salve Regina (Pope Francis)

    [Verse 1: Pope Francis] Senor, tu dejaste en medio de nosotros a tu Madre Para que nos accompanara Que Ella nos cuide, nos proteja En nuestro camino, en nuestro corazon, en nuestra fe Que Ella nos haga discípulos, como lo fue Ella Y misioneros, como tambien lo fue Ella Que nos ensene a salir a la calle Que nos ensene a salir de nosotros...Learn More
    rockPope Francis
  4. [Lyric] Wake Up Go Go Forward English Translation (Pope Francis)

    [Intro: Pope Francis] Wake up Wake up [Verse 1: Pope Francis] This word speaks of a responsibility which the Lord gives you. It is the duty to be vigilant, not to allow the pressures, the temptations and the sins of ourselves or others to dull our sensitivity to the beauty of Holiness, to the joy of the Gospel Today’s responsorial psalm invites...Learn More
    rockPope Francis