Artist: PW Musical Productions
Lyrics of Artist: PW Musical Productions
  1. [Lyric] Decree of the Prosecutor (PW Musical Productions)

    MILES EDGEWORTH [sung]: What can I say? All the signs point to the truth My perfect guilty record—forever tainted, thanks to you This court is meant to stop the ones who bring darkness to the light It’s natural—no miracle—for this court to make it… [spoken] Wright, you listen to me. These lingering doubts you’ve burdened me with serve no useful...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  2. [Lyric] The Scent of Fresh Lemons II (PW Musical Productions)

    PHOENIX WRIGHT [spoken]: Robert Hammond... Since you last saw him, about how many years would you say have passed? MARVIN GROSSBERG: Did you say... “past”? PHOENIX: What? Ah–no, no, no! Well, I mean, yes, technically but– GROSSBERG [sung]: Like the scent of fresh lemons... The days of my youuuuuuuuth! [spoken] Yes. Yes! Eureka! The pieces are...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  3. [Lyric] Beautiful Christmas Day (PW Musical Productions)

    DICK GUMSHOE: [scatting "Jingle Bells"] [gasps, spoken] Is that snow!? ...No. Shoulda known, I guess… Heheh, I don't think I've ever seen it snow around here Sure would be nice if it did, though... [sung] I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… But then again, aren’t we all? Wouldn’t it be nice If instead of rain and ice A fluffy, cleansing snow...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  4. [Lyric] Pasta Shop The Wet Noodle Jingle (PW Musical Productions)

    PHOENIX WRIGHT [spoken]: Um...sure, uh, we'll, uh, run the Wet Noodle while you're gone. Now, look, since you're here, I've got a couple questions-- BOAT SHOP CARETAKER: Awww, Keithy! That's great news! PHOENIX: Uh-- CARETAKER: Now we can really get things moving here! PHOENIX: Alright, now let me just-- CARETAKER: I even wrote a little jingle...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  5. [Lyric] Trial By Fire (PW Musical Productions)

    JURY OF KIDS [spoken]: [quietly chattering] YOUNG PHOENIX WRIGHT: Hi everyone! ...Is something wrong...? KID 1: It was him! YOUNG PHOENIX: Me? KID 2: He stole the money! KID 3 and 4: Yeah! YOUNG PHOENIX: What money? KID 1, 2, 3, and 4: Guilty... Guilty... Guilty... Guilty... KID 3: You thief! JURY OF KIDS [sung]: Guilty! He did it! Guilty!...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  6. [Lyric] Its Gotta Be The Butz (PW Musical Productions)

    THE JUDGE [spoken]: Witness, please state your name and occupation LARRY BUTZ: Larry Butz! ...uh, ladies’ man MANFRED VON KARMA: This is a colossal waste of time JUDGE: Mr. Butz, please begin your testimony LARRY: You got it, Pops! [sung] Well, I was hangin' out with my girlfriend Ruth In my mansion with a golden picket fence... JUDGE: Sir,...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  7. [Lyric] The Secret of Global Studios (PW Musical Productions)

    DEE VASQUEZ [spoken]: So, you came. What is it you were saying? PHOENIX WRIGHT [sung]: Five years ago, this accident occurred But no one on the outside ever heard a word You hung it over Hammer’s head You made him do whatever you said That’s why he was doing kids’ shows instead VASQUEZ: So now I’m a blackmailer – is that it? MAYA FEY: You know...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  8. [Lyric] The Scent of Fresh Lemons III (PW Musical Productions)

    MARVIN GROSSBERG [spoken]: Oh. Don't you have any questions about my past? PHOENIX WRIGHT: Your past? GROSSBERG: [melodramatic gasp] Did you say… past!? PHOENIX: Hey, what—wait! No! You said it—come on, that’s cheating! Aw, jeez...urgh! GROSSBERG [sung]: Like the scent of fresh lemons… The days of my youuuuuuuuuuuth!! [spoken] Well, you've...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  9. [Lyric] Battle of Wits (PW Musical Productions)

    MILES EDGEWORTH [spoken]: We call Ms. Vasquez to the stand DEE VASQUEZ [sung]: My name is Dee Vasquez I am a producer For Global Studios EDGEWORTH: On the day of the murder You were in the second studio... VASQUEZ: Yes, as everyone here knows You will find that my alibi is airtight We were trapped at the studio, you see Mr. Monkey had fallen,...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  10. [Lyric] Anything To Win (PW Musical Productions)

    MANFRED VON KARMA [spoken]: My dear boy, as a prosecutor, my job is to eliminate these enemies of society. The only way I can do that is to obtain a guilty verdict at every opportunity. I will not let one miserable miscreant go free. I will do whatever is necessary to have those perversions of humanity receive what is due them [sung] I'm in charge...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  11. [Lyric] Alone (PW Musical Productions)

    MILES EDGEWORTH [sung]: Go on, tell me What is it you have to say? PHOENIX WRIGHT: You first—what happened? What happened the other day? We heard about it in all the wrong places— Edgeworth, please tell us, we won’t let you face this Alone… EDGEWORTH [spoken]: Alone? PHOENIX: Edgeworth, let me defend you EDGEWORTH [sung]: Guilty of being a...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions
  12. [Lyric] A Guy You Can Trust (PW Musical Productions)

    DICK GUMSHOE [sung]: I consider myself to be a real man's man, see The kinda guy who won't back down from a fight I keep this city clean, pal, and I live like a king Though I eat ramen noodles every night But despite my gruff exterior, I know I ain't superior My skills at solving crimes can sometimes rust... But I'm swallowing my pride, this time...Learn More
    popPW Musical Productions