Artist: Rap Genius
Lyrics of Artist: Rap Genius
  1. [Lyric] Lyrictionary - Leaderboard (Rap Genius)

    Last update: 21th of November, 2016 Will be updated after every episode! If you changed your username but your old name is still up in the leaderboard, please let me know so I can keep track of it in my local Excel sheet with the scores.Legend🏆 - Top 5 on the 5th anniversary episode.🎤 - Hosted one or more Lyrictionary episodes.💡 - The person...Learn More
    miscRap Genius
  2. [Lyric] Lyrictionary - Episode guide (Rap Genius)

    Last update: 20th of November, 2016 Will be updated every once in a while!Lyrictionary: Pilot episode Illustration, Answer, ResultsLyrictionary episode 1: 'You can not pick a bald chicken' Illustration, Answer, ResultsLyrictionary episode 2: 'E = mc²' Illustration, Answer, ResultsLyrictionary episode 3: 'I swag, I cook, I chef' Illustration,...Learn More
    miscRap Genius
  3. [Lyric] Collaborative Script (Rap Genius)

    BEANHEAD'S PART - 'A Meal for Many - Chapter 1.'INT.KITCHEN.POV SHOT FROM THE INSIDE OF THE CUPBOARDS [0 -3 mins] We see Mickey reaching into the hole in the wall, cheap roll up ciggarete in his mouth. He is covered in plaster and what not, as he has broken into the wall to extract the guns. He is pulling out various items. He pulls out and hands...Learn More
    miscRap Genius
  4. [Lyric] RG Interview 12: Big Teach (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? Well, my first real rap was as a 12th grader all the way back in 1997 or 98 (I guess I am the senior citizen of this class, lol). It was a project on Othello for school, and I rapped from Othello's perspective about him killing his wife and all. So for me there is a long-standing connection between literature and...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  5. [Lyric] RG Interview 10: Psyonik (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? I started rapping when I was in like 5th grade… The “golden” era was still very much alive, and all I was around was rap music. Eventually in school a few of my friends started battle rapping for the hell of it, and ever since then I’ve been putting words together Who are your musical influence? My musical influences?...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  6. [Lyric] RG Interview 8: Aaron Deux (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? I started rapping around 6th grade. I originally started making beats end of 5th grade, but had nobody to rap on them so I just said fuck it and started rapping on them myself. I really didn’t get serious until 8th grade year though Who are your musical influence? Kanye, Ryan Leslie, Kendrick Lamar, Little Dragon, I...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  7. [Lyric] RG Interview 2: Isaiah G (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? I started rapping “seriously” at the end of freshman year of high school( 2 and ½ years ago) because I was always the type to just write lyrics but not actually rap the lyrics. But then I wrote something to Big Sean’s “What U Doin” which I thought was extremely dope(it wasn’t) and rapped it out, after being pleased with...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  8. [Lyric] RG Interview 11: Shad Fer (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? I started rapping at about 8 or 9,always went for the lyrical approach and there’s actually a secret song with me spitting on an Em beat when I was 12 but that shit’s embarrasing af,has 2k views tho XD. I got extremely serious about the rapping after I ended up on WorldstarHipHop and started getting fans Who are your...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  9. [Lyric] RG Interview 6: L.o.M.d (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? I wrote my 1st verse in 3rd grade, and over the years I would write like a verse every two years for fun. I always loved music and basketball. Fast forward to freshman year, I started writing, and by the end of the year, I had started recording (I was alright for a beginner). More people started to like my music and I...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  10. [Lyric] Official RG Mixtape FAQ (Rap Genius)

    Add your questions about the tape here and I will make an annotation on it with the answer How would a rapper go about getting onto this tape ? Any qualifications or anything ? I have a friend who joined the site in August. He's a verified artist and has contributed some of his lyrics with annotations. Would he be able to be on the tape?...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  11. [Lyric] RG Interview 5: Fresh Air (Rap Genius)

    How did you start rapping? I started writing poems when I was 10 and my teacher said I was good, so from 10 to 14 I wrote poetry. When I turned 15 I decided to start writing raps instead of poetry. But before I started to write songs I decided I was gonna learn how to produce first. After making 10 or so Fruity Loop beats I got my Maschine and my...Learn More
    rapRap Genius
  12. [Lyric] Rap Genius Awards 2021 (Rap Genius)

    Best Thread(s) of 2021Worst Thread(s) of 2021Best Derailed ThreadMost Creative ThreadBest Thread CreatorBest DebaterBest Troll UserSmartest UserFunniest UserNicest UserUser of the YearRG Gone But Not ForgottenSpaceGhostBluu — oozymrbunbun — Still SlimRap Genius Hall of FamePapaKhan — BigBabyGOAT-116 — SpaceGhostBluuResults...Learn More
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