Song: ..101
Artist:  Thechea
Year: 2014
Viewed: 79 - Published at: 4 years ago

Loss..the true loss of one whose heart and soul you loved, it is the lowest of all feeling. Pain or agony does not begin to describe that which you feel; it is a soul-crushing emptiness, a bottomless pit, an endless void. Only scattered memories remain of someone whose true essence could not be captured by such minuscule thoughts. Such a lively and loving spirit which has been dissolved, returned to nature and all creation; a soul to fertilize the air and breathe love into all things. Such loss is yet difficult to accept, regardless of where the soul might have ascended to. If only to spend one more moment with them, to talk with them, to touch them, to hold them for just an instant, you would give up all of life's trivial pleasures. You can only hope that their final moments were filled with thoughts of the love which was reserved for them by so many, that they never felt isolated or abandoned; for the love for them was so great, all the universe could not contain it..
My friend, my brother: I love you so much, I thank you with all my heart for the joy and fulfillment you brought into my life; I am so sorry I was not there for you! I assure you, with all my heart, mind, body, and soul, I will honor and revere your life and memory until I take my last breath at the end of my days, when it is my turn to leave this life and embrace you once again as my brother. As hard as it is for all of us down here to suffer your loss, I know that your soul is in peace, and that you have been saved from this cruel thing we call 'life'. I pray that your family is comforted by the knowledge that you now reside in a land of complete serenity, free of life's turbulence, safe in the hands of the Lord.

I love you, brother, and I long for the day in which we meet again. Rest in Peace..101

"My fallen brother, why is it that you've gone so soon?
Shouting at God, while my fist shakes at the moon
Perhaps life is just a tragedy, all of us are doomed
Living in this world, or is it just a tomb?
I guess it does not matter, we must continue on with the play
Although the lights are so much dimmer, now that you're not on stage
My soul has partly died, now that you are gone
So hard to comprehend, these thoughts are just so wrong; they truly don't belong
This sadness that I feel, nothing can eclipse it
You needed someone so bad, somehow I must have missed it
To trade your life for mine, I would do it in an instant
You brought so much into my life
You gave me so much purpose, when I thought that I was worthless
I'd give everything to see you again, and it'd be absolutely worth it
Our friendship was like a diamond, and it was you who unearthed it
I love you for that, and I thank you for everything
Farewell, my brother, until we meet again
Although you will never leave my heart..101"

Your fire will never smolder into ash, it will forever burn bright inside of me.

( Thechea )