Song: Divine Relationship Of Man To God
Year: 1925
Viewed: 164 - Published at: 3 years ago

I take my text from First John, third chapter, second verse:

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when we [sic] shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."

My subject is divine relationship of God to man. God in His infinity so loved the world, and He gave His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to suffer, bleed, and die upon the cross, that lamb might be saved from the curse of the broken law. Even before the hills in order stood or Earth received its frame, God so loved the world, and He created man in His own likeness and in His own image, and in these days of evolution that we read so much about, the thought comes to us, that had God not ordained that man should be in His own likeness and His own image, there would not be any evolution in our minds at this hour. But we have been constrained to [believe?] that in the [?] of light Jesus said, "I am the Bright and Morning Star, the Lily of the Valley, the Prince of Peace. All those who come unto me [?] shall inherit eternal and everlasting life."

Oh my brother and my sister, allow me to impress the thought upon you today, that today is a day of salvation. Harden not your heart. Look unto Jesus and look and li— live, for life eternal is granted unto us all. In the midst of life, we realize that we are in debt, that beyond this vale of sorrow there is a home awaits those who [?]. Oh sinner, if you be in our midst this afternoon, look unto Jesus and live, for He will give you grace, will guide you safely into the ways of all truth. He shall be your shield and buckler by day, and a light under your feet by night. Those who [?] of the world, those who know not Jesus and the pardon of our sins, turn unto Him, look and live, and He will abundantly pardon you, He will give you grace that will lead you into the ways of all truth.

In the morning ultimately when our time shall end, when life's eternal warfare and this life is ended, when we must stick our sword in the sands of time, there the study war no more. May we realize that as we go through life's eternal bliss, that on the other side of the river where the saints go marching up the king's highway, there awaits for us a crown of righteousness, which Jesus Christ, the righteous judge Himself, shall place upon our heads. And then in the morning when He shall enter, there, the judge of the world, with His son Jesus Christ we shall be found in newness of life. Amen.

( Rev. W. A. White )