How does it make you feel?
A song like this
Aren't more meaningful lyrics meant for a song this long?
Not in a song like this
Not in a song like this
A song like this should have more meaningful lyrics
I admit its made up on the spot
Only a song like this
Would have lyrics made up on the spot
Who in the world listens to a song like this?
Who in there right mind writes a song like this?
Dull rhythms intentionally
Super repetitive song
Why is there a song like this?
Only in a song like this
Shoudn't be more meaningful?
A song like this
A song this long
A song like this
Isn't this quite dull?
You just keep moving on
What is its purpose?
I don't know
There aren't many songs out there like this
Your'e listening to my song
Like this
Isn't it imaginative?
I don't think so
Who in the world writes a song like this?
Who in there right mind listens to a song like this?
Apparently you
And apparently me
How do you end a song like this?
Find a way to end a song like this
Now it ends
A song like this
Aren't more meaningful lyrics meant for a song this long?
Not in a song like this
Not in a song like this
A song like this should have more meaningful lyrics
I admit its made up on the spot
Only a song like this
Would have lyrics made up on the spot
Who in the world listens to a song like this?
Who in there right mind writes a song like this?
Dull rhythms intentionally
Super repetitive song
Why is there a song like this?
Only in a song like this
Shoudn't be more meaningful?
A song like this
A song this long
A song like this
Isn't this quite dull?
You just keep moving on
What is its purpose?
I don't know
There aren't many songs out there like this
Your'e listening to my song
Like this
Isn't it imaginative?
I don't think so
Who in the world writes a song like this?
Who in there right mind listens to a song like this?
Apparently you
And apparently me
How do you end a song like this?
Find a way to end a song like this
Now it ends
( Cody Cornell )