Song: Candy Monster - EP1
Year: 2013
Viewed: 70 - Published at: 6 years ago

Opens to Dipper holding a basket of chicken strips.

Dipper: Well, that concludes Gravity Falls anomaly #13, the Möbius chicken strip. (Eats chicken strip) It's infinitely delicious!

Something runs past the camera.

Dipper: Whoa, hey! What the—

Camera falls over

Dipper: (Picks up camera) Mabel, did you see that? Wake up!

Mabel: Never. (Faces the other direction) Let me sleep forever.

Dipper: Some creature just jumped out of nowhere! It's еating our leftover Summerween candy!

Mabеl: (Gets up) What?!

Dipper: (Points camera at the monster) Look!
Mabel: Ew, it's like a... naked little man.

Dipper: (Holds up title card) Okay, this is now Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained, # 76, uh, "That Thing?"

The Thing: (Eats candy) (Picks up candy basket)

Mabel: No put it down. Put it down...

The Thing: (Licks the basket)

Mabel: Oh, gross!


Dipper: (Comes into view dressed in squeaky toys) Okay, I'm ready. I've covered myself in armor. (Squeaks toy with the golf club) I'm going to capture him for science.

Mabel: And for candy!

Dipper: Get this on tape in case I die or whatever. (Walks over to the Thing and moves some candy with the golf club, then tries to catch it in a wastebasket) Aha!

The Thing: (Climbs up the ceiling)

Mabel: Oh! Die mutant! Die! (Throws squeaky toy at it, but it comes back and hits her) Ow!

The Thing: (Jumps into the staircase)
Dipper: (Runs after it)

Mabel: Save the candy!

Dipper: Where is it? Have you seen it? (Gets attacked by the monster) Ah!

The Thing: (Jumps down on Dipper and knocks him over, grabs candy, and runs off)


(The Thing is on the fridge. It throws the cereal onto the floor)

Mabel: Aw no!

Dipper: (Throws a can at the Thing)

The Thing: (Throws candy at Dipper)

Mabel: He's wasting candy! Dipper, open your mouth! Try to catch the candy in your mouth!

Dipper: What? No, why would I— (Catches candy in mouth and munches) Actually that's pretty good— (Gets hit by a big candy bar) Ah!

The Thing: (Runs with candy into the living room and turns on the TV with his foot, then stares at it)

Mabel: Look! He's hypnotized by the TV.
Dipper: Ha! And he dropped the candy! What a little dummy! Glued to the... to the... Oh, I love this movie.


(Dipper, Mabel, and the Thing are watching TV; Dipper and Mabel are eating candy while the Thing eats a golf club)

Dipper: Shouldn't we... (munches) do something about the monster?

Mabel: Candy now. Monster later.

The Thing: (Eats the golf club and whimpers, Dipper gets another one for it and eats it)

Soos: Oh, hey Dipper! Hey Mabel! (Pauses, then looks at the Thing) Hey Grunkle Stan!

Dipper: (To the audience) Well, that's it for Dipper's Guide to the Supernatural. The next episode will probably be about getting rid of this candy-eating monster.

Soos: (To the Thing) Psst! Stan, what's he talking about?
Static and shows a page.

( Gravity Falls )