Song: Cubone Mudkip: A Pokemon Love Song
Year: 2015
Viewed: 50 - Published at: 4 years ago

What is this thing
I'm feeling when you
Tackled me to the ground?

It may just be pain
But I can hear my
Heart making beating sounds-

You're Water! I'm Ground!
It's forbidden love
And yet I've found

It's love! Deep and true!
And I'm paralyzed
But deep inside
I realize that I love you!

You're groomed and trained
Yet I'm just wild;
Is this not meant to be?
I know one sure way
And that's to let your
Trainer come capture me!

I'm now on your team
Though I swear I'm tougher
Than I seem!

I wish that I knew
How to tell you why
I'm just too shy
To simply tell you
I love you!

Every day, I'll train!
Onе level at a time!
I won't sleep or rеst
Unless I hurt my spine...

X­Stats make me strong!
Potions make me fit!
TMs teach me moves!
(And Berries make me sick...)

Hi there, it's me
I got this for you...
Hope I don't seem too weird...

I like you a lot­
And now I'm rambling...

And... now... you're...

Big. And you smell
And you look like you don't
Bathe so well

Come back! Take me, too!
Please don't leave me here;

This joke is clearly
Over. Take me
Home with you!

Guys, this isn't very funny!
Come on, someone
Please come set me loose!

Be careful what you wish for;
What you wish for sort of
Might come true

( Random Encounters )