Song: Scrappy Doo Award for worst character
Year: 2022
Viewed: 84 - Published at: 2 years ago

[The winner of this award was Sylvanas Windrunner (World of Warcraft)]

Unfortunately, you can't just give a snapshot of someone's story, and complain about that one segment. You need a full recap, or else it just won't make sense. So go watch 2018's show because I don't have fucking time.

Gutting Sylvanas' character, taking out the soul, and sending her to hell could just be called method acting, given her backstory. Blizzard is just retreading old ground with the last few years of... whatever they're trying to do.

Somehow they've taken a previously-beloved character, and changed everything about who she is about a half a dozen times in only a few years. First she's thankful for the Horde, then she's committing war crimes behind their back. Then she's proudly leading the faction, before literally betraying them for Satan himself. Now guess what? She's good again! This was all part of her master plan that she's been conspiring for 20 years, without any hint whatsoever, and definitely wasn't made up to cause shock value. And now, like every Gen Z white girl on Twitter, she wasn't evil this whole time, it was just a bad case of Dissociative Soul Disorder.

Look, I won't dwell on this for too long this time. We know how much of a dumpster fire Blizzard is. A few weeks ago, even the devs started shifting the blame on her, trying to claim the entire last decade of her character being thrown out the window is the result of Afrasiabi. Even they don't want to be associated with her. The fucking writers at Blizzard are ashamed. That should tell you everything you need to know.

( 2021 Vidya Gaem Awards )