Song: What’s A Woman Worth?
Artist:  Quina Aragon
Year: 2022
Viewed: 60 - Published at: 5 years ago

happy is he whose children are males
and woe to him whose children are females
a quote from rabbis of old
but if you look close you know this sentiment isn't frozen in the past
in fact I see it
an expecting father boughs his head in defeat
at the sight of pink confetti a
rape victim is shamed for
ruining the reputation of
an “otherwise stand-up guy”
a woman works for half the price a man would achieve
the words feminist and liberal
are wielded as weapons against
thosе who dare speak of misogyny
in the church
it makеs me wonder what's a woman worth
look for it in lyrics and sermons
and thought
she's a vice a vixen
A problem to solve
so I dug deeper sought
the song first sung the very first word
straight out of Adam's tongue this at
last is bone of my bones and flesh of my
flesh she shall be called woman because
she was taken out of man
first song inscription proclaims a
woman's worth
she's same of same fully human made in
God's image but it's likely you already
knew this no need to tell you that
while the first sin was eating forbidden fruit
the second was a woman's abuse
from the balladeers tongue would come an excuse
accusing the woman he once sung of
the woman whom you gave to be with me
she gave me fruit of the tree
and I ate
generations later still rings the same refrain
well, if she hadn't worn that
if she hadn't talked back
if she dare speak or lead
Ah, but we don't want to talk about that
see, we see redemptive history as a series of men and the ways
God used them but the first gospel
Proclamation requires us to watch the
through whom would come the serpent-crushing seed
so Satan's special hatred is reserved for women
with which he's at enmity
but is a woman's worth unorthodox to God asked
Eve who believed genesis 3:15 trace her
faith through a long line of ladies
leading straight to mary's magnificat
the first hymn of the new covenant
people of God asked the women who
followed the Christ the marginalized and
stigmatized the barren and bereaved the
mistreated and abused they drew near to
the son of man who would choose to wash
feet with all that authority
it seems they finally found one who was
despised and rejected by men acquainted
with grief
when he rose from the dead he spoke
first to the women commissioned them to
tell the men the good news but they were
shunned away like today unworthy of
proclaiming God's Word to the ears of
men which apparently couldn't possibly
learn from them except that's not how
she's aside it's not how Paul time the
Great Commission made every type of
woman acclaimed or not a herald of the
gospel mom or not a mother of many
disciples wife or not the Bride of
all in all a worthy child of God
what's a woman worth then no less than
his life his death his resurrection

( Quina Aragon )