Song: Who is the Favorite Child?
Viewed: 65 - Published at: 9 years ago
Artist: Kemuel Shem (OSIRIS)
Year: 2021Viewed: 65 - Published at: 9 years ago
In my life I realized that because my middle was sister yetunde was tortured so much she got her life done the easiest. The oldest Alicia Black on my mom side was the most evil person I ever met. All she did was mock our family. She came down from wherever she was and beat me and watched my middle sister get arrested. She did thе same with me when I madе my mistake she laughed my face at the Marion jail and left with plans to take over the world and kill many people for money. I wont give names because I want people to figure out who is who for themselves. Its sad because it helped end my relationship with my bm who was my favorite ex wife and only wife I ever had. I think the fact is I ended up with another woman that was a duplicate to my ex wife. That was even worse than my ex wife. Some how she knew my history of my relationships I think. Thats why she hit and quit with me to avenge her evil sister like (my ex wife). In the long run my love ran so deep that even family wanted to figure out how to obtain such love from an individual. So as I was walking down stone rd. in marion,in and was walking around town screaming AY. I was being hurt pretty bad and I am still being abused in head .I am bi polar with extreme depression and the invega shots make me go zoom zoom. So cornerstone is very good they feed you good just like Co's. to.can anyone explain why the people in the ambulance n marion tried jamming a needle arm or why there is a k s in my hand was the cos trying to protect me and who is really trying to take me out. Im a father first and im sorry my daughter will always come first anybody can get it . Weird how cps sent her to 3551 S. boots street where dewayne rogers used to live by. Im sorry but I remember now that not only did the cop smash my head in the ground right before ravyn brooks was arrested but I was supposed to take the fall for her and I fucked up. I realized though that we was set up by trouble and kittie and I gave her a sword to protect her. Im sorry the the people turned me to a vampire at Mr. Crafts home.I overdosed and started biting mfs when 12's got there for Mr Craft. Someone called the police but it wasn't Mr craft . People keep bullying me and im gonna have to turn again .I don't want to but sorry believe it or not its true. I believe that I play that role as a Salvatore. Mr. Craft may be the original Daemon Salvatore and sometimes I just turn into Stephen Salvatore . The actor may not like that but at the end of the day . I can change to a vamp really mfing quick try me . Right now im trying to be normal I wanna go to school.I wanna play sports but people wanna tell me stay taking online classes.Or I cant work but it makes no since because I have no felonies .There are accusations that I have so called abused my babymomma but theres no proof and I was taken from my family like the punisher. Theres two parts to every person and I am trying my best to hold my cool Lord.Just because my birthday is 9/11/96 doesnt mean im muslim. I know their egyptian holliday is that day but its not my destiny to be muslim.I hate what they stand for as terroist they like to blow shit up .Im a calm person and I dont use guns anymore or my hands.Ima start bitting and thats why I got screamed at. Cafe valley rushed me out of their work station because I didnt have a covid mask on and now I know why. They aren't being legal at all. Ive been there multiple times and they are doing something wierd.Like Mcclures on 30th in marion indiana i went to them to get hired twice and I should be able to get hired there with just misdmeanors. I was starving and in the hospital before I was even supposed to be withdrawn I tried to get food from there and they got me for theft by a rapist called manny as a cop.He walked really wierd and it fucked me up because I had just came from the prayer room. I have been dying with cancer and have been in extreme pain. I have tried ending my life since i was 13 . The barbers gave up on me and the blacks gave up on me. The shem's never gave up on me and Crafts never gave up on me and Alvarez's havent given up on me. Also if you ever watch the foster im like that girl I just keep running or dying until I find happiness.I figured out yesterday that im getting good food stamps because in marion indiana the great deppression is going on. And as much as I love my family some of them cant have any .The family I have now will get most of them. The Alverez's. I cherish them very much and there needs should be fullfilled.
( Kemuel Shem (OSIRIS) )