Artist: Chew Toys
Lyrics of Artist: Chew Toys
Lyrics of Artist: Chew Toys
[Lyric] Larry Of the Rodeo (Chew Toys)
Well he’s a barndancin’ bastard Reviled and revered He’ll give you a workin’ over If you’re 45 with a beard He rounds up all the cowboys Sooner than they reckoned He rides em on the first date And buries em on the second And he’s slow slow quick quick slow He’s Larry Larry Larry of the rodeo Hey boy keep your eye out He’s more snake than...Learn MorerockChew Toys[Lyric] No Soy Tu Papi (Chew Toys)
Te gustan los hombres maduros Aiy, que fascinante Tengo noticias para ti, mijo Nosotros dos, no saldremos juntos Oye mijo No soy tu papi Aiy cabron No soy tu pinche pops Aiy mijo Vete de aqui Tu tratas mucho! Miley Cyrus no es una artista Dubstep no es avant garde Aiy papi me compras una cerveza NO GUEY Aiy papi abrasa me NO GUEY Aiy papi ven...Learn MorerockChew Toys